The specifications below are very tentative, I have tried to be conservative, but this is a paper design at this point, and a real design could end up significantly more or less dense in terms of compute and power usage per rack unit (RU).
The Millicluster board I described is half the width of a typical enterprise motherboard. Its only 0.4" thick, so we can stack four of them high (4x0.4=1.6") in the 1.75" height of a 1U package.
Hence a standard 1U Enterprise Server Package contains Eight Milliclusters. This has a compute density of 112 OPiuM modules per RU, 4704 modules in a 42RU rack. The power consumption peaks under 160 Watts/RU, and idles at less than 24 Watts/RU. Maximum rating would be less than 6.7KW/Rack, which is quite reasonable. The CPU performance totals 60 GHz/RU, 2,520 GHz/Rack. There is 28 GBytes/RU of RAM, 1,172 GBytes/Rack.
The network has 8 Load balancer/bridge-routers per RU with 8 Gbits/RU module bandwidth on 16 redundant Gbit ports. An Ethernet switch could be added to the design to reduce the port count at a cost of a few watts and dollars. For storage a microSDHC flash memory socket at each module would hold a 2 GB microSD for very low cost, 4 GB for capacity, 8 GB in 2008.
There are many optional interfaces that could be used for specific applications. All modules include an ATA disk controller if needed, so each Millicluster could have connectors to support hard disks and DVD-ROM players. For graphics the i.MX31 modules include an OpenGL based 3D graphics accelerator and an LCD display driver with touch screen input. There is a camera input and video compression engine, with stereo audio and video playback. Modules also include multiple USB and serial interfaces.
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